Forum Discussion

Andrew Evans's avatar
Andrew Evans
New Member
12 years ago

How can I make a call to the API for incidents that have been closed?

Currently I'm able to use the API to gather open incidents. I would like to be able to do the same thing for closed incidents so that I can view a history of incidents, and be able to tell how long they take to be closed.

I'm using the information found at:

2 Replies

  • Yes. This is going to do the trick. I'll be using a few different date ranges.

  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    12 years ago
    Hi Andrew,

    Great question! To achieve this, I would first create a custom report that reported on closed incidents (if you're polling the API periodically I would also consider adding a time range). See attachment:

    Once you've created the report - take note of the ID in the URL and use that in the API call. For example, the curl command you could then use would be:

    curl -u x:your-api-token -H "Content-Type: application/json"

    Does that help?
