Forum Discussion

Adrian Jenkins's avatar
Adrian Jenkins
New Member
12 years ago

how do i create a release template

Hey Folks,

anyone know how to create a template of tasks for release management?

I don't want to have to manually enter each task for every release.

  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    Hi Adrian,

    We actually have our Templates functionality in development at the moment. We'll be rolling out our Incident Templates over the next few days, and will be rolling out the templates functionality for the other service desk record types over the few development sprints. We're planning to roll out Release Templates next.

    I'll update this thread after we release Release Templates,

  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    Hi Felton,

    Yes, Incident Templates are already available. You should be able to get to the incident template section here:

    Hope this helps,
  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    Hey guys,

    Great news - Release Templates have just been released! You should now be able to find them under Releases > Templates.

    Enjoy! :)

  • Vix Sta's avatar
    Vix Sta
    Active Contributor
    Any plans to add templates to the Problem area? 