Forum Discussion
We are expierencing notification delays up to 15 mins right now.
- abuschle7 years agoActive Contributor
We are seeing long notification delays again today. Please resolve this!
- gsmolens7 years agoNew Member
How long have you been using GoTo Assist Service Desk, and how often does this delay happen in your experience?
- abuschle7 years agoActive Contributor
We have been using Service Desk for over 3 years. The past ~6 months the delays have been very freqent. Since then, we even have some occasional tickets that are not being generated. I opened a ticket with LogMeIn for this, but I'm not impressed with the support I got regarding the matter. They can't or wont tell me what happened to the missing tickets, as they refused to offer any log information regardless of the amount of times I asked. Their resolution was not helpful at all.
- AshC7 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
abuschle I apologize for the delays again. We are working on a permanent solution to stop recurring email delivery issues.
Thanks for your patience, the current delay should not last much longer now.
- jferfolia6 years agoNew Contributor
We have users not receiving ticket updates at all.
I've just checked our spam and archive service and the email simply never arrived... This causes big headaches as management thinks we are ignoring people.
- abuschle7 years agoActive ContributorMore like 25 mins now.