Forum Discussion

richie967's avatar
Active Contributor
6 years ago

Notifying more than one customer when an update is made



I have recently started using Service desk. I have 4 users. and multiple companies with customers. I have two main questions with the system.


1. Assigning an incident to a different customer -

For the sake of this scenario, lets call it "company A". Company A has two customers. "Customer A" and Customer B". Customer A raises an incident. Then the technician works on the incident. How does the technicians assign the incident to "Customer B"? If it was created by "Customer A"?


2. Notifying all customers in the same company when an incident is updated

How do we notify all customers in the same company when a technician updates an incient?


Cheers, Rich

5 Replies

  • richie967's avatar
    Active Contributor
    6 years ago

    Hi Ryan,


    When a customer raises an incident, we work on it, and may respond the the customer a week later. However sometimes the customer who raised the incident will miss the reply as the customer is on annual leave etc. So we want to be able to send updates about to all customers for that company. 


    It seems that watchlists are only for technicians, as opposed to customers. How do we add company employees to a watch list so they can be motified about updates to support tickets for their company?

  • ryanLaportaSCG's avatar
    Active Contributor
    6 years ago

    Confused by what you mean by a customer passing an incident. 


    You can have techs re-assign tickets to other techs. Or as was posted by AshC the tech changes the customer. 

    Customers from my experience just open/close and edit incidents. Nothing more.


    For your watchlist question. You can create a trigger to add all employees to the watchlist and then they will always receive notifications. 



  • richie967's avatar
    Active Contributor
    6 years ago

    Hi AshC,


    Thanks for the information, whilst it's important that a technician can change the customer on on an incident. It is very common that a customer needs to pass the incident to one of their colleagues. How do they do this?


    Also, regarding the watchlist, how do we automatically send a notification out to all customers in a company when a technician updates (NOT CLOSES) an incident?


    There is often more than one customer at the customers end working on the issue so it is important that all customers can see the update. This is causing issues now.


    Cheers, Rich

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    Hi Rich,

    Welcome to the Community.


    If you need to change an Incident to a different Customer, you may do this in the upper right of the Incident where it says Customer in Tile 1:


    When you close an Incident, the original reporter will be notified by default.  You may also create Watchlists as needed for Incidents where multiple users are affected.  Then if a customer is granted access to a service, they become available to be added for selection as the customer for all incidents raised on the service.


    Reference guide: