Forum Discussion

Joshua Davidson's avatar
Joshua Davidson
Active Contributor
10 years ago

Reverting to global view on deletion of incident

Hi guys,

This is a pretty minor issue but if you have multiple services on your account and are viewing incidents under one of the services, and you go into a ticket to delete the ticket, when you click Save it will return you to the Global View instead of the service you were in before you deleted the ticket. It's a very minor annoyance but I figured I'd point it out in case it was intended to return you to the service you were in prior to ticket deletion (like the other functions you do within a given service: update ticket and close ticket both maintain your current service when complete).

We were using only one service until recently, but now that we have added a second service, it's actually adding two clicks for the administrator of the first service to delete tickets than before we added the second service.
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