Forum Discussion

Michael Laska's avatar
Michael Laska
New Member
9 years ago

Service Desk Report of user activity

Hello! I'm new to service desk, and I was wondering if there was a way to run a report to see activity for users (technicians).  We have recently added a few users to support the company by answering incidents and I'm looking to see how long they are in the system each day working incidents and/or how many incidents they are working each.

I have found the Incident Reporting Engine in the reports, but the only way that I could find something user focused was to group by resolver.

Unfortunately multiple users could be commenting on each incident and only one can resolve the incident itself. This would weigh user access heavily on those individuals closing out the incidents, rather than those doing much of the work to resolve the incident.

I am looking for a way to get a feel for how much time users are in the system and active...

We are not currently using the

Some options of ways that I could find user information:

A report that can show when users logged in and out of the system by days - this would allow me to see how much time users are spending in the system

A report that can show tickets that have been commented by user - this would show me how many incidents each user has accessed and I could figure out activity

Any ideas would be welcome.


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