Forum Discussion

jason1111's avatar
Active Contributor
10 years ago

Support Time 'deducted' from service or company

I know many IT support companies who would benefit from this and whilst I've tested many of the main support desk applications both free and paid, none support this feature.

Basically it would be fantastic if you could allocate a service a set number of hours that gets deducted when an agent enters a timed incident.

Example, I provide a support contract for a company of 10 hours per quarter. Over that quarter, every time they use our support services, we deduct the time spent from their 10 hours.

At the moment, we can monitor it via reports, which can show the total time spent during a specified period but this is a tedious manual system and we don't get alerted if we exceed the 10 hours.

So essentially what I'm after is this:

> Ability to set monthly / quarterly hours to a service (reset at end of term)
> Hours get deducted from total when time is added to incident.
> Alert / Email is sent to user when limit is approaching / exceeded.
> Hours remaining / customer facing at leas to company admins.

Please dev gods, make this a reality :D
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