Forum Discussion

shonnam@oasys.u's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Viewing Company Name in Incident Dashboard

We are a software company and we are using Service Desk to gather our clients' requests for software support. When we are using the Incident Dashboard, we would love to be able to see the Company's name which is tied to the Customer that has entered the Incident. Our hierarchy is that our clients are all Companies and then each Company has Customers. When an incident is entered by a Customer, there is a Company attached to them. Since there can be multiple Customers per Company it would be beneficial to see in the Incident Dashboard quickly if there are multiple Incidents open under the same Company so when we call upon them we can resolve all of their open incidents at once. Being able to view the Company name from the Incident Dashboard would give us that information without having to open up each incident and then opening up the company and reviewing all open incidents.