Forum Discussion

dont_bore_me's avatar
New Member
4 months ago

Feature Request - Default / Remembered Zoom Level

I use GoToMyPC which is a nice software.  I often connect and first thing I have to do is set my custom zoom.  IT's a painful process because I'm always having to correct the zoom so I can get to work.

Could the programmers please allow users to SET A DEFAULT ZOOM so it always starts at the specific zoom I request.  Alternatively, Could you please let me define a nice custom zoom so I don't have to enter 95% each time which is the zoom I always go to.  

I am 100% sure that other users will appreciate this. thanks and best regards. Dan

2 Replies

  • dont_bore_me's avatar
    New Member
    4 months ago

    Hi Glenn,

    I use Windows client software. I have 4 monitors at the office in a box, all HD (not 4k).  At home I have a 4k monitor so I set the zoom to 95% and everything fits perfectly and beautifully. I like the 4 monitors since windows autofit nicely natively versus clunky software. I don't like the fullscreen view - so I keep the entire set up as a big window - typically I go 94 or 95% zoom to fit everything perfectly. 

    They zoom default or pre-set-quick-zoom or fav-zoom button would be great to just bang bang bang I'm set up, versus a few extra clicks. Thanks!! =)

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    4 months ago

    Hi dont_bore_me, welcome to the community.


    Can you provide some more details? 

    • Are you using Windows or Mac? 
    • What is the difference in screen resolution between your Client and Host computer? 
    • Do you make the GoToMyPC Client window full screen or keep it windowed when you are working?