Forum Discussion

JerryIrons's avatar
Active Contributor
7 years ago

Hamachi not powering on after computer restart

Can you please provide the option to power on hamachi from a command line?  This is really becoming a problem, here is what happens:

workstation restarts, due to windows operating system update, environment power condition, etc, and once everything restarts, hamachi is in the "powered off" condition.    Then we are screwed, because there is no remote access, and now a human being has to make a physical trip to the workstation to click on "power on".


Please add this functionality, I am a long time hamachi user.  But this power off thing that is happening at random with windows 10 is really becoming an issue.


  • So, I've figured out a way to deal with this.  I wrote a windows service that monitors the logmein service and it's power on status.  If either get turned off my service restarts them.  So far has been working very well and ended the random shutdowns that can happen. 

  • ganeshowen's avatar
    Active Contributor

    Hi guys, 

    I created a batch file that turns on hamachi and enables a network on startup. To get it to run subtletly on startup I created a shortcut to the file and changed the properties so it starts minimized.

    Open notepad and paste in the following code.


    cd C:\Program Files (x86)\LogMeIn Hamachi\x64
    hamachi-2.exe --cli login
    hamachi-2.exe --cli go-online <network ID>

    NB:     1: The first line will vary depending on the location of your hamachi install

                 2: Replace the "<network ID>" with the numerical identifier displayed when you hover over your Network in the Hamachi client. 


    Save As and add ".cmd" to the file. Store it somehwere safe (I put it in the hamachi folder) and create a  shortcut.

    Open start menu, type "run" and press enter.

    Type "shell:startup" to open your startup folder and move the shortcut here. Finally right click on the shortcut, click properties and change the dropdown menu adjacent to "run" to Minimized.

    Hope this helps, I'm not a coder so aplogies if this doesn't work for you. I built this out of some very basic how to guides and some trial and error with the hamachi-2.exe in CMD.

    • beardbiz's avatar
      New Contributor



      you wrote: 2: Replace the "<network ID>" with the numerical identifier displayed when you hover over your Network in the Hamachi client. 


      When I hover over over my network it just gives me the network name as the network ID. All letters, no numbers.

      • ganeshowen's avatar
        Active Contributor


        I've attached a screenshot of what I see when my mouse hovers over the network. Where the red-line is where I see a numerical Network ID (XXX-XXX-XXX) that I used in my simple batch file.

        Hope this helps.

  • JerryIrons's avatar
    Active Contributor

    So, I've figured out a way to deal with this.  I wrote a windows service that monitors the logmein service and it's power on status.  If either get turned off my service restarts them.  So far has been working very well and ended the random shutdowns that can happen. 

    • nuncidvides's avatar
      Active Contributor
      Hi Jerry. Can you share more details of how you wrote this Windows service to monitor the LogMeIn application's power status? I've been encountering the same issue. I am able to tell whether the Hamachi service is running, but have been unable to determine whether it's powered on via Windows.
      • JerryIrons's avatar
        Active Contributor

        So there is a an ini file that hamachi uses, in the windows serviceprofiles area.


        In this file, there is a reconnect line

        Reconnect 1  means powered on

        Reconnect 0 means powered off


        Basically the service I wrote polls that file every so often, if it finds the state powered off, it stops the service, changes that line, and then restarts the service.   It also checks to make sure the service is running and also starts it up if the service is stopped.  I also keep the hamachi in "do not self update" mode...


        The other suggestion is good too.