LifgardetNew Contributor9 months agoMissing files after installation Hello. I'm running on Windows 10 and I can't install Hamachi correctly: after installation the Hamachi network adapter didn't appear and in the installation directory I haven't the x64 folder. Any h...Show More
GlennDGoTo Manager9 months agoHi Lifgardet, There is no x64 folder, just Program Files for your 64bit applications, and x86 for your 32bit applications.
LifgardetNew Contributor to GlennD9 months agoI refer the subfolder x64 located in the installation directory. I haven't this folder.GlennDGoTo Manager to Lifgardet9 months agoRun the installer again, make sure you let it install to the default C: drive location.
LifgardetNew Contributor to GlennD9 months agoI refer the subfolder x64 located in the installation directory. I haven't this folder.
GlennDGoTo Manager to Lifgardet9 months agoRun the installer again, make sure you let it install to the default C: drive location.
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