Forum Discussion

mtgstuber's avatar
New Member
5 years ago

LogMeIn grays screen when window is not active

I use LogMeIn to connect to a Windows 7 machine where I'm running an application which provides a lot of status indications using color.  Often, I don't need to interact with the application, I just need to watch it.  Any time I select another window on my desktop, the LogMeIn screen goes from full-color to gray.  Is there anyway to disable thie behavior?  I don't need the LogMeIn window to be active all the time, but I do need to watch it.  The color changing really diminishes the effectiveness of LogMeIn for this task.


Is this behavior driven by the client or the LogMeIn application on the remote PC?  Or is it something controlled our LogMeIn administator?  I can't find anything in the forums, the support page, or the application that seems to apply.

  • Was driving me crazy for a while... found the setting.  Options/Color Quality/Advanced/Greyscale when inactive

  • Was driving me crazy for a while... found the setting.  Options/Color Quality/Advanced/Greyscale when inactive