Ankita Modi's avatar
Ankita Modi
Active Contributor
11 years ago

Sending files / file sharing during the broadcast

Frequently, during the meeting we would like to share files to respective team member. It would be nice if Gotomeeting has this feature. Our current workaround is to make someone presenter just to show one file and take control back but it is not the right way,

  • This is the thing that we miss the most.  Miss it almost every meeting.
      • SiNseT's avatar
        New Member

        Bumping a nearly 4.5 year old post.


        Will this feature request ever be implemented?  Considering GTM's competition, is this on the dev team's radar at all?

  • In gotomeeting one thing that i personally think is missing which would be a great feature add is tthe ability to add files to the meeting. so when dealing with a training issue the ability to be able to pass on the readme documents etc.


    Any other wish list items for GTM

  • Two features that would make GoToMeeting amazing:

    1. File Manager - the ability to transfer files from host to client.

    2. Copy and Paste - So if I copy something while remotely controlling a PC, the contents would go to the host clipboard and client clipboard so that the host can paste that content on their PC. Very useful for getting long error messages.

  • Linda_R's avatar
    New Contributor

    Not just copy and paste, but real file sharing.  Upload a file to the chat that all participants can download.

  • Best practice file sharing allows users to share and control VIEWING of file attachments but avoid file downloads.  Competitors Microsoft and Cisco Webex understand the value of digital meetings where users share files enabling users on varying device (screens) to control UX file navigation via in-app document viewers without incurring InfoGov / Privacy data loss risks.  

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