Mathew21's avatar
New Member
8 years ago

Configure auto connect time for unattended support session

Looking for a setting to reduce the connection time for unattended support sessions. Currently it is 15-20 seconds. Would like to drop that time to 5-10 seconds

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    Hi Mathew,
    I'm afraid there is no way to increase the Remote Support Client connect times outside of having a slightly faster processor and LAN connection on their side.

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    HI Mathew,

    When you connect to an Unattended computer there is a 20-second countdown so that if someone is using the computer at the time, they have enough time to close any confidential documents etc. Currently this countdown is not configurable.

  • Ok - that is what I was looking for. No setting at this time. Maybe something to look at in the future? I understand the need for a time to let someone decline if needed, but in most of my cases I know no one is using workstation and it would just be nice to adjust the time. Thanks for the quick reply!