See full computer labels in local GTA endpoint tiles / Arrange the tiles
I have labeled / named each unattended computer with a name that provides identification and context. So, the names are more than 13 characters long. Because of how I've chosen to name them, the beginning of many names are the same or similar. This makes it hard to know "which tile is which?" across the top ribbon. More space would be good. Lacking that, a mouse-over ability to show the name would be a great improvement. Right now, one has to click on the "End Session" "X" in order to see the full name (and then properly "Cancel"). That seems a bit extreme and doesn't help quick looks.
Also, it would be *very* helpful to be able to drag the icons around so they could be placed in some desired order. This would be helpful when working *between* 2 or 3 workstations or when working on two different sites or companies at the same time - to keep them separate. The Windows task bar allows moving open apps icons around with drag and place/drop.