I know this thread is marked resolved, and I think the work around of using a dedicated file sharing service to create sharing URLs was an acceptable back in 2014. The problem is the market has evolved from 2014, and now having basic file sharing via your meeting solution is a common feature. I manage a lot of GTM licenses at our organization and this has come up as a request several times. GoToMeeting needs to seriously prioritize implementing this if they want to stay competitive in the market.
jacobsstcg Thanks for your input. This is still an 'idea' that we're considering for later development.
- Linda_R5 years agoNew Contributor
7+ years in the Roadmap seems to indicate that the priority is set low and it will never be done. That is sad considering as others have pointed out that there are plenty of competitors with this feature. As soon as someone higher up than my group tries to do this and realizes that it's not available I'm sure I will be directed to find a different conferencing solution.
- AshC5 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
jacobsstcg I cannot really say what the timeline for this might be, though I expect new development roadmaps to be out in early 2021 so I may have a better idea then.
- jacobsstcg5 years agoRegular Visitor
Thank you for the reply AshC . It's good to hear that GTM is considering adding this. We have several engineers who are quite vocal the competitors have this feature at GTM does not. Is there any roadmap with other features that are in the development pipeline?