5 years agoNew Member
Sadly this Workaround does not work anymore. A blank white page is shown to the student when i am using speaker view. A week ago it worked fine :(
Macbook Pro Catalina
Office 365
GotoMeeting 10.11.1
Former Member
5 years agoYeah, same here.
- Kahmoon5 years agoNew Member
Is there another workaround? Our teachers need this kinda badly 😞
- GlennD5 years agoGoTo Manager
Hi Kahmoon
Are they using Windows PCs or Macs? The problem is when you put Powerpoint in this mode it expects you to have a projector or 2nd screen of some kind connected. If you are using a computer with a single screen there is going to be a problem.
- Kahmoon5 years agoNew Member
Its on a mac notebook (but this problem is also on windows)
Workspace with second Monitor is working fine (Mac + Win). Only one screen laptop is showing white screen.