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- GlennD9 years agoGoTo Manager
- Charlie Rozenta9 years agoNew MemberThis reply was created from a merged topic originally titled More Webinar languages required.
When scheduling a GoToWebinar, there are only a few Webinar languages available (Deutch to 简体中文). How can I get others? - Jennifer Jackso9 years agoNew MemberThis reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Attendees booted out 30 minutes into a meeting.
30 minutes into a meeting suddenly nobody could see my screen. It showed on their screens " waiting for (organizer's name) to start the meeting. I ended up having to create a new meeting which the attendees also had issues joining. This is not the first time this has happened, and no other meetings were scheduled during the time of this meeting. - GlennD9 years agoGoTo Manager
- Александр Рагин9 years agoNew MemberThis reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Change inrerface language for Organiser and Attendees to Russian.
Hello I need to change interface language for me (organiser) and for my attendees to Russian. I also want that when attendees connect to my webinars they always automatically use Russian interface. How can I do it ? - GlennD9 years agoGoTo ManagerHi, unfortunately at this time we do not have support for Dutch and I am not aware of any immediate plans to add support.
- ErikCh9 years agoNew MemberThis reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Language option Belgium.
Hi, I was looking to see if I could take a subscription on the service, but in my country the only site I found was Belgium - French.
As the majority of Belgium speaks Dutch no French, would there be a possibility to either provide the Dutch site as well? - Isabel Sipahi9 years agoNew MemberFrustating
- Isabel Sipahi9 years agoNew MemberThis reply was created from a merged topic originally titled Languages.
Hi, I usually make webinars in Portuguese, we are located in Brazil. But for our attendees is very confusing, because when I am setting a langauge I have to choose from a list that doesn ́t include Portuguese, and the emails can be only partly costumized, so people don ́t really know if the webinar will be given in Portuguese.
Is there any way to include Portuguese on the available languages? If not, would be really important if we could customize the entire alerts and confirmation emails.
Cheers. - Jazaa AlOtaibi9 years agoNew Memberthis application gotowebiner excellent but still need from Managament more option to add like approval for any register from my Mobile device and no Limited Language ( Language its very easy option to do just need Language list which ready in any Website in the word ) also in my seasion i make 1 attendance to be presinter to show us his screen and axplain his work but when he finish i can return back to me i have to throw him out of the webiner and ask him to attend again so i can take the Screen as Presinter so but i have to do this which hard to me to do with every attendance