Cristen's avatar
Active Contributor
3 years ago
Reviewed by moderator

Customize Emails to Registrants and Attendees

It would be helpful if users had the ability to customize emails to registrants and attendees more than what the system allows now.  Specifically, for the registration confirmation email, it is not necessary to put the entire event description in the email.  It just makes an already busy email more wordy ... which causes less people to actually read the email.  I have some pertinent information I want to add to this confirmation email; however, it gets drown out with all of the other information that GoTo includes in these emails.  


Same situation with the reminder emails.  There is a lot of information included that I would like to have the ability to delete or move.  Once item specifically is the option to add the event information to your calendar.  This does not need to be included in every reminder email and it certainly does not have to take up valuable real estate at the top of the email.  It is just something else that distracts people from the actual information I am trying to share.  


If we, the users, had the ability to customize the sections of the email to allow us to delete content and move content around it would help us better serve the audience we are trying to reach.  Thank you.


  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Berzsenyi thanks for sharing your idea. I've moved it to a similar suggestion here. I do hear that customization of the emails is a desire. This feedback is being shared with the team. 

  • Berzsenyi's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    It would be great if the body of the registration email could be edited. The possibility to reduce the email body and to modify the subject. Some find the email too long and it would be great if there was a possibility to streamline it. Sending the link manually is not possible for each attendee and making it public and available for everyone is dangerous. I know that the sender of the email is not editable but maybe in some form it will be. 

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago
    Status changed:
    Reviewed by moderator
  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    chetzel  thanks for sharing your idea. I've moved it to a similar suggestion here. I'll share this with the team. Please kudo the idea to show our team your interest. 



  • Recently, this information text about the webinar has been sent again with the confirmation e-mail. In my opinion this is unnecessary and confusing since the participant has already registered and knows this information. Unfortunately I can't choose whether or not that can be shown on confirmation




    Bestätigungs-E-Mail OHNE Infotext

    Seit neuestem wird bei der Bestätigungs-E-Mail nochmals diesen Infotext zum Webinar mit geschickt. Meiner Meinung nach ist das unnötig und verwirrend, da der Teilnehmer sich bereits angemeldet hat und diese Infos kennt. Leider kann ich das nicht auswählen, ob das bei der Bestätigung gezeigt werden kann oder nicht. St