JenL's avatar
Active Contributor
8 months ago
Reviewed by moderator

Show Canceled Webinars in Analytics

I went to cancel a webinar and inserted my new copy message. However, I wanted to save and preview. What occurred was the system automatically Cancelled the webinar and didn't send a message to registrants. Now, I can't return to a saved copy to make edits or the fact that an email that wasn't entirely ready to deploy actually deployed (or maybe it didn't deploy??) to the registrants. I went to the Past Events tab, and the original webinar set-up/schedule that was cancelled doesn't appear anywhere. No trace. No way to recover. Probably no deployment.


It would be a great idea to keep record of webinars that have been set-up, cancelled, and saved. Allow the user to delete or keep for tracking purposes. I really needed to repurpose and reschedule this webinar. Now, your system has removed it completely!


  • Would be helpful if cancelled webinars still show somewhere on the platform - agree regarding the registration list, it is lost the moment you cancel the webinar.... please can that data remain somewhere!

  • JenL's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 months ago

    Hi Kate, That's not what happened in this case. There were no options in the Classic. I called GoTo Tech Support and we did a renactment with a test event and they concluded the same and said to report it on this Community page so it would be considered by the web programmers to investigate and improve.

  • JenL's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 months ago

    I had the foresight to download and saved a copy of the original Registration list in advance of proceeding to the cancel webinar function or else I'd lose the data, as you pointed out.

  • Similarly, if you wanted to follow-up individually with all those who'd registered, you can't. You have to screenshot the registrations list before cancelling. Please retain all cancelled webinars.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    8 months ago

    Hi @JenL thanks for all the details about your experience. 


    When you cancel a webinar, you are prompted to choose to send an email to registrants or not, so you shouldn't have to wonder if they were notified, see the image below. 

    I hear you are interested in having a history of canceled Webinars, and will share this feedback with the team.