Allow "Hide" or "Ignore" on Available updates; GotoRescue crying Wolf.

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Allow "Hide" or "Ignore" on Available updates; GotoRescue crying Wolf.

Allow "Hide" or "Ignore" on Available updates; GotoRescue crying Wolf.

I get "Device Health" as either "All Good" or "Critical"  ... with NOTHING in between these two extremes - and often a striking similarity between two machines that show these two Health status'.     There are numerous APPLICATION prerequisites that exclude certain updates (Autodesk, etc), and others (Firmware updates) that should not be run through Windows updates - but a separate Firmware update utility. 


I'd like to be able to mark certain updates into an "ignore" or "On Hold" status to be able to still see that updates are pending, but not contributing to the "Critical" status.


Also, applying updates through the GotoR console seems to take forever.

New Member

@gotosupport please look into this urgently, I am trying to hid KB5034441 as this keeps failing on my scheduled windows updates jobs due to a stupid prereq from Microsoft (which isn't needed on my machines anyway) so please can this option be looked into ASAP?

Active Contributor

@samjarvis Sam, I've found the same problem with the Microsoft update and used the Microsoft Show/hide updates ( see link here -


... to get rid of the update altogether.

New Member

@ResolveNV tried it, works on the Windows side but doesn't pull through to GoTo and it still tries to install it/flags up as a critical update,