Customize Go to Stage Registration form

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Customize Go to Stage Registration form

Customize Go to Stage Registration form

Hi, since we would ultimately use g2Stage recordings as a lead capture source, we'd like to be able to implement the same custom fields for registration as is possible on GoToWebinar. Currently Go to Stage only allows Name & Email fields.

Active Contributor

I would like this as well.  I would like to have the registration the same as what we use for webinar registration. We cover a large area and knowing information like location and where they heard about the video would be great. This information is important to us. Jean Smith UHV SBDC

Active Contributor

Is there any possibility of adding custom registration fields to the GoToStage channel? 

New Member

In setting up a page today, I noticed some items were not available, such as an editor like this inside the Registration page to do tasks such as:


  1. Consent Page customization links 
  2. Add a Privacy Policy link or lead gen unsubscribe link in the disclaimer
  3. Customize default fields >>  Email to Business Email 
  4. Registration page editor for styling, Bold, underlining, links, color, and text change 
  1. Reorder fields on the registration page to my preferences 
Active Contributor

Just bumping again. As we have HubSpot integration for the initial webinar, it would be nice to capture the information on re-broadcast requests.

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New functionality for GoTo Stage is not on the roadmap.