ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Logmein Client no longer installing along side Control Panel CS_HelpDeskCan you show me documentation that shows this is the case? I have always been using this command in this way. It is my understanding that setting showclient to 0 means that the client ui will not popup after the installation completes. Has this been changed? Re: Logmein Client no longer installing along side Control Panel We are on Windows 11 latest version 22621.1992 Logmein Client no longer installing along side Control Panel All of a sudden, for some reason, Logmein control panel is installing, but the client is not. Normally they both install at the same time. I have to run a repair on the install and then it installs the control panel. I am not sure why this all of a sudden started. This is what I use to install the Windows Host LMI start-process C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -argumentlist "/I C:\temp\$lmilatest /qn /l*v C:\temp\lmiinst.log SETPOWERMANAGEMENT=0 LMIDESCRIPTION=`"$compname - $compmodel - `" COMPANYNAME=[companyname] ACCOUNTEMAIL=[accountemail] DEPLOYID=[deployid] SHOWCLIENT=0 SHOWCONTROLPANEL=0" -wait SolvedI got an error in my lmi log and want to know if it is related to the new remote execution feature 2021-02-19 10:10:51.888 - Error - LogMeIn - NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM - 04472 - 0x0000106C - CentralHandlerBase - Error (http code: 0) while trying to send request to 0x83ff0007: