ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: API Limit reached I understand. Is it at least possible to get the limits added into the docs? That would beat going through the mystery solving game we've had to play on this one. Also, any answer on the PSK question? We're building out a service that pulls from LogMeIn's API, and will deployed to several stages (QA, staging, prod). If we can only use one PSK for our entire company that's something we need to incorporate into our strategy. Are PSKs issued per user or per company? Re: API Limit reached How is the rate limit enforced? The docs don't seem to clearly state what the limitations are. I'm curious if it's possible to have more than one PSK for a single company and basically try to cycle through those to get around the rate limit? We've got several thousand machines in the field so the rate limit poses a pretty big barrier to programmatically generating reports on which of those machines are currently offline. Would really appreciate some notes on this added into the API docs. Re: Central API System Inventory Limit? Thanks for the pointer, didn't realize that "token" in the response was the indicator that there's more data if you do another GET request with the same token. Yeah I hear ya, we have several thousand machines in the field, so the request rate limit is really tough to work around. What I'm trying to do is cache the data for a single report on all machines to avoid hitting the report generation endpoint too often, but ideally would just be able to create smaller reports more frequently based on host IDs. I guess maybe what we'll have to do is set up a queue instead and have it wait 60s between generating each report, hopefully people are alright with waiting a long time for their reports... Re: Central API System Inventory Limit? I'm hitting this issue as well, but I'm not seeing a "continuation token" in the response. The only data in the response I get back is the a report object with token and expires (same token as was used to fetch the report), and the hosts object with an array of 50 hosts. I don't see anything in the headers either