ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Mute/Unmute all is dysfunctional in new version Hi Kate, I appreciate your patience with me as well. I did report this issue as it happened, twice now. I wondered if allowing each caller to mute themselves would work - so we'll try it. Quick question: does *6 work as a toggle? ie Press once to mute, press again to unmute? Re: Mute/Unmute all is dysfunctional in new version I'm tracking with everything except Callers being able to unmute. I took screenshots of our setup but it doesn't allow me to share with you. Suffice it to say that this instruction you gave - You will then see this pop-up when muting, by clicking "Allow everybody to unmute" attendees have the option to unmute. If you uncheck this, they will not be able to unmute. Please let the Callers know they can mute or unmute by pressing *6 does NOT work. This is what I keep saying. I DO click Allow everybody to unmute. I DO NOT uncheck the box. I DO tell everyone that they can unmute themselves by pressing *6 - but for several of them this simply does not work. Only one other screenshot doesn't match with what I do and that's under Settings. I have Allow Mic checked (allow) and you show it not toggled (not allowed). Is there something I'm missing with that one setting? Re: Mute/Unmute all is dysfunctional in new version Hello Kate, I appreciate your attempts to help but it hasn't worked. You said (my answers in italics) In the new app, the organizer is not able to unmute an attendee. You can send a request to unmute, and they will see this on their screen. Attendees can unmute at any time unless the organizer turns off 'Allow mic' in GTM Session Settings under Attendee permissions. This is not an option with our version (Pro) of GTM. This article outlines how you can manage attendees' audio. This is not an option under People. I tried it. There is NO "allow to unmute" Mute or unmute Select Keep muted or Allow to unmute. Also, I'd like to clarify these instructions. "If you see "Caller X" listed, it is a participant that dialed in to the audio conference from a phone and did not enter an Audio PIN for GoTo to identify them by. They are known as an "unidentified caller" and can be managed in any of the following ways by first hovering over the entry and then completing the following steps:" What I see is Caller, Caller 1, Caller 2 and so on. These have a phone icon on them. What I don't know is if each of them would have asked for or been given an Audio PIN. Is this automatic? Does it matter? I'm able to edit the name from Caller 1 to "John Brown" for example, no problem. But most of the callers I have no control over the Mute/Unmute function individually. Once I "Mute All" (and select Allow Callers to Unmute) nothing happens. I just get frantic texts on my phone saying "I can't unmute myself, help!" Re: Mute/Unmute all is dysfunctional in new version Ok, thanks. Sounds simply enough, because I can find out which ones are using a PIN, but are you certain I'll be able to UN-mute each of them when we are done recording? Re: Mute/Unmute all is dysfunctional in new version Hi Kate, I didn't think you could even access the meeting without the PIN. Everyone comes in using the same 9 digit meeting number and if I recall correctly each of them will then get a prompt to use a unique PIN, is that correct? Mute/Unmute all is dysfunctional in new version In original version of GTM, Organizer could use one button to Mute All before recording. At the end of recording, I could Unmute All with one button click and it always worked. Now, it only works randomly. We've tried it with *6 on phones (sometimes works) or by sending unmute requests to users (sometimes works) but we still have several experienced users who cannot unmute themselves no matter what they try. We tried the suggestion of nobody muting themselves at all, and letting me mute and unmute - another fail. We're out of patience as this is a critical component of GTM for us. Re: Cannot screen share an announcement KateG, I think the issue was that when I thought I was sharing the graphic, it over-laid the GoToMeeting screen so there was no way to see what participants would see. And last Monday when it happened, nobody there to confirm for me! I'm accustomed to seeing a black background with squares for whatever I'm sharing in one, plus one for each participant. Today I took some time to fiddle around with it and change the sizes of the respective screens, and I believe it's probably there. I have the little message saying "you're sharing your screen" so I'll trust it. Thanks. Re: Cannot screen share an announcement Hello Kate, I create a simple text graphic box using Microsoft Paint It 10, and save the .jpg on my desktop. When I intend to use it, I open it to maximum size on my desktop and attempted to share from there (which I did in the past). It didn't share. And there's no selection in the share window to do so. I can share an application from the web still, but can't share this. Cannot screen share an announcement Before the last "upgrade", if I had a last-minute announcement to our attendees, I could simply create one and put on my desktop, then share my desktop. I seem to have lost that ability. Am I missing some new widget to make this happen? SolvedRe: Muting and Unmuting This is a problem for us as well. We do online bible study that's recorded for YouTube. As organizer, I could "mute all" while my husband teaches and "unmute all" after he finishes so that everyone could talk, share and have prayer requests. It worked with our elderly folks calling in on a phone as well as others using other devices - never a problem. With the recent upgrade this feature was removed, leaving many of our participants muted with no way to unmute. It's a shame and detrimental to what we are doing! Now they just give up and leave the meeting. I spent almost an hour last week with tech support, and although he told me about the *6 ability, it seems not to work reliably for some users. I fail to understand why they would find it necessary to remove such a helpful feature. We are very disappointed.