ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Logmein Antivirus and Windows 10 2004 Exactly the same. It was failing on the AV management screen. I remoted on and copied the files to find the error. We at least need 3 things here: 1. A fix, preferably with the AV team preparing for the update before it is public. 2. Better error message reporting on the LMI AV page. It would have saved me so much time if I had a proper error message. I tried 4 times to download and run this using the AV management page. I ran updates (not 2004, this was before) on the machine too. 3. A message about not being compatible with Windows 10 2004 somewhere on the AV management page maybe?? We can check in advance then without wasting our time. LogMeIn Antivirus scheduled scans - if missed? Hello, I am trying to decide on scheduled scan times and days. I would like to know what happens if the scan is missed - e.g. if a machine is offline. Will the scan start as soon as it comes back online or will it skip the scan for the next one? I don't want to set it in the late afternoon if there's a chance the machine will be asleep/turned off and then never have it scanned. I have tried searching Google and these forums with no success. I would have expected this information in the how-to guide at Thanks in advance. Lee Re: Logmein Antivirus firewall blocking network printing I had a problem with network printers also. It was only some of the locations we manage, not all. To get ours to work, I tried some things: editing group policy AD (for domain computers) and local GP for non-domain. I added firewall rules into there for the IP ranges needed and ports etc. I also realised the machines failing were on network connections set as "Public". I used a powershell script and the LMI One2Many feature to change all the network connections to "Private". This was only on the machines not on the AD domain. Luckily in our case, we name all the network adapters on machines the same "Broadband" because we have 2 network cards in use and need to differenciate. Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias Broadband -NetworkCategory Private Set-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias OtherNetwork -NetworkCategory Private After making these changes, it's all fine. Not sure if the Windows Firewall Group Policy rules are having any effect though as LMI seems to manage to firewall. I could easily test by blocking something on GP and see if it takes effect. Re: LogMeIn Antivirus will not install Hello, I have the same problem. This is annoying for several reasons: The reboot just happens with no warning on the admin side. No way to prevent or stop the reboot - There should be an option on the admin side to say no forced reboots. The description for failure is useless. "Unable to extract", "Unable to download", "Unable to install" One machine I managed to get working. I tried the following without success: Removing all group policy Logging into a different local user account In the end, I... Logged onto the remote machine, set the install to run in the admin page. Copied the installation files from c:\windows\temp\LogMeInAV before they were auto deleted again. Waited for the reboot and then manually installed it using the copied files. Error came up about MalwareBytes being installed (Helpful thanks! Why not mention that on admin side?). That was the thing causing reboots - it was trying to remove it I think. Manually removed malware bytes (it wasn't really installed - it was a ghost in add/remove programs). Installed using the copied files manually - install complete! Admin side showing installed but no policy applied and still the red triangle?? Still won't install from admin. Manually uninstalled LMI AV, rebooted Used admin page to install AGAIN! Reboot, success! What we really need is some way to just get a failure without the auto-reboot. I can't mass rollout this solution if I don't know when the machines will reboot. Not all users are online at the same time. I'd rather it just fail the install on these machines with no reboot and then I can come back to them later! Some better failure message would also be useful. I'm sure there is some log on the host machine but having access to it from the console side would be much preferred. I hope this process helps someone without having to flatten the whole machine. I think downloading the LMI AV install and manually installing could help you in this situation. Now on to the other hundreds of machines... Wish me luck