Forum Discussion

JWJ's avatar
New Member
12 years ago

1 e-mail thread, 1 Ticket

My company has been using Service desk for a few months now, and we have ironed out alot of "issues" with the way Service Desk works. One ongoing issue we do have is how the Service Desk handles an "email conversation" (email thread)

So the way we have our system setup is that you send an e-mail to SUPPORT, Service desk generates a ticket from that email. Which is fine, the problem is when that original e-mail has CC'd people or even the original sender responding to the same e-mail (same subject but might have "RE:" at the start), Service Desk creates a new ticket, which again makes sense because its a new e-mail in the SUPPORT mailbox as far as Service Desk is concerned.

This naturally can created a flood of new tickets if the end user doesn't replay to the Service Desk e-mail. Ive already spoken to Citrix support about this and there is no built in feature that can do this or rules. Would be a nice feature, I know you can link tickets, but the way it links the information in the ticket is a bit messy

3 Replies

  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    11 years ago
    Hey guys,

    Apologies I let this thread slip. We released the updates I mentioned back in November of last year. Addressing the issues mentioned in the opening post, and this was well received by a number of our customers.

    For full details on what changed, check out the old release notes:
    and do a search for "GoToAssist Service Desk (38.7 Web) Release Notes"

  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    12 years ago
    Thanks for the feedback! You're not alone here, we have been receiving this type of feedback a bit recently, and have a change in our current development sprint to improve our email integration functionality.

    The change will include:

    • Remove the Reply-To address all together, and use other headers that appear in the email to identify where the email should go.

    • Ultimately fall back to the subject line (looking for the B#1234 number)

    This should hopefully resolve a lot (if not all) the issues a lot of people are having with email integration at the moment.

    I'll keep this thread updated :)