Forum Discussion

Mitch Irish's avatar
Mitch Irish
New Member
10 years ago

Closed but not resolved

I would really like the option to close a ticket and mark it not resolved.  Sometimes there is no resolution at this time, but there might be later or the user isn't willing to make the change required for the resolution (reformatting their PC).

2 Replies

  • Thank you!  I've been trying to figure out how to do that for a while now.
  • SUNRISE1's avatar
    Active Contributor
    10 years ago
    I believe that you can close a ticket that hasn't been resolved.  Just above the Assignee / Status section at the bottom of the screen of the ticket, there are three choices, SAVE as TEMPLATE / DELETE / CLOSE.

    If you click CLOSE, it give you some additional options to enter comments and the like.  I think that would be what you are looking for.
