Forum Discussion

H_Meister's avatar
Active Contributor
7 years ago

Customer portal map of radio buttons (ppl affected & urgent)



Customer facing portal has radio buttons for urgency and how many ppl are effected, how does this map to internal view? Do you based on both selection assign a priority?


Here a screenshot of the screen:


How many people does this affect?
 Single Person   Small User Group   Large User Group   Unsure
How urgent is it?
 Not Urgent   Reasonably Urgent   Very Urgent
  • Hi H_Meister ,

    If you need to 'see' the priority graph, you may view the differences between what is affected Vs. how many users:

    It then depends on how you prioritize your incidents in order to categorize each one.

4 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    H_Meister  Unfortunately this exact process isn't documented, but if you open an Incident,  click on the Priority value, then click on the word Priority, it should get you to the matrix.

  • H_Meister's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago
    also what does "Unsure" for who is affected result in?
  • H_Meister's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago
    this matrix is exactly what I was looking for. Where do I find it? Is that in a KB /help article ?
  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    Hi H_Meister ,

    If you need to 'see' the priority graph, you may view the differences between what is affected Vs. how many users:

    It then depends on how you prioritize your incidents in order to categorize each one.