Forum Discussion

Jennifer Cherry's avatar
Jennifer Cherry
New Member
12 years ago

How can triggers be used to change the visibility of custom fields to an user in an given incident.

I want hide or unhide certain Custom Fields within an incident when certain conditions are meet using trigger. Any ideas??

3 Replies

  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    12 years ago
    Hi Jennifer,

    Thanks for the feature request. It appears the support guys have already added a +1 against this for you. At the moment cascading custom fields isn't something we have planned, but is a good feature request we're keeping track of.

    In the meantime, you might be able to use nested categories to workaround the problem. Check out them out here by going to Configure > Services > Select a Service > Incidents > Categories.

  • Actually I wanted the ability to hide and unhide custom fields based on certain fields attributes using triggers. For example, I have a custom drop down menu, and when the users selects a particular category from the drop down, the trigger will hide certain customer fields and unhide others. In our project the user would select which application they are working on, and the trigger would highlight or make visible only those custom fields that pertain to that specific application.

    Any ideas? I also called the support line regarding this. Reference 06771823. We kind of need this feature asap. We wanted to go live in Febuary.

    Thank you
  • I'm assuming you are talking about the ability to turn on or off the "Customer Facing" setting with a Custom Field for the Portal? At this point in time there is no attribute that I know of within Triggers that allow you to do this. Good enhancement request.