Forum Discussion

csa2's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

several problems after silent msi installation

hello together,


I tried to install the goto meeting app and goto opener via msi for our company.

For the goto meeting app I used the install paramenters: G2MINSTALLFORALLUSERS=1 G2MRUNATLOGON=false 

I had no startmenu entry or desktop short cut. 

Also we have connection problems after installation. It could be because of our proxy server, but I didn't find an option to set a proxy.

It would be great to get some help


More Infos:

GotoMeetingMSIversion: 10.14.18962

GotoOpenerVersion: 1.0.539





3 Replies

  • csa2's avatar
    New Contributor
    5 years ago

    I can log in, but get a connection error.

    We use a proxy server.  Can i parse somehow our proxy configuration?

    When I install the application manually, everything works, but when I install it via MSI (automated) it won't let me connect. Same problem with the Goto Opener

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    csa2  While the MSI doesn't include a desktop shortcut option, it should be listed with other applications there.  What happens when you log into an Organizer account on one of the PCs where GoToMeeting was installed by MSI?