Forum Discussion

Menk's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Do we get an email notification once the live webinar recording is processed and saved.


1. I wanted to know that once the live webinar is over, Do we get an email notification when the recording for it is saved in the video library? We will have webinars for about 1 hour long, Going through the documentation I see it would take 1 hour to process it. But I do not want my program manager to login back and forth just to check the recording is complete. 

2. USE CASE: I wanted to create an on demand Simu live event as soon as my live event is over. For that i will require this recording. Is there any way I can link the two different events (live and simu live event) together. So that the recording can auto add in the simulive, the way it adds in after session video?


Looking forward to hearing from you. 


  • Hi Menk, I'll answer your questions here:


    Organizer that utilize cloud recording should receive an email when their video is finished processing, usually within a few minutes of completion. 


    There's no way to automatically link different webinar events / schedules like that currently. 

3 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    There can be only one email address used for each GoToWebinar Organizer seat, though you can set different reply-to address' per scheduled event, for the purposes of Attendee replies.  


    You are allowed to host one webinar at a time per Organizer seat.  If you attempt to launch a new webinar while someone else is in session with those credentials it will end their broadcast immediately. 

  • Menk's avatar
    New Contributor
    5 years ago

    Hi AshC ,

    Thanks for your reply, It helped.

    I had a few follow up questions here:


    We will be using a single account with single organizer and will be hosting different webinars simultaneously. I wanted to know if we can set up the recipients for the video recording processing complete email? Like is there a way where we can configure co-organizers or in session coorganizers getting these emails?


    Also, the after recording processed email is sent only to the organizer or the person who starts the webinar?(Co-organizer)


    Let me know.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    Hi Menk, I'll answer your questions here:


    Organizer that utilize cloud recording should receive an email when their video is finished processing, usually within a few minutes of completion. 


    There's no way to automatically link different webinar events / schedules like that currently.