Forum Discussion

New Contributor
7 years ago

Consequences for new password for admin account

Hi Community,


We manage about 100 computers on LogMeIn Central and ome of my colleagues will soon leave the company and they, unfortunately, know the admin password for LogMeIn Central (bad practice, I know !) .


What if I change admin passowrd ? What will happen to the 100 comptuers we manage, did they lose connection to our account ?


Thanks for your help  !

  • BEBARONSAS  Updating the main Administrator credentials will have no effect on the host credentials or access points within an LMI Pro account.

1 Reply

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    BEBARONSAS  Updating the main Administrator credentials will have no effect on the host credentials or access points within an LMI Pro account.