Forum Discussion

hammer185's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Incorrectly stated yet profoundly arrogant denial of false location data & LogMeIn blocking logins?

Am I the only one who has tried nicely to let LogMeIn know that they are erroneously reporting and taking action on location data to block logins and even potentially lie about where logins are taking place from if emails are being audited for security for potentially legitimate reasons.  My own interactions with them about this issue have found them to be amazingly arrogant as if their location data could not be incorrect when it often certainly was and is.

9 Replies

  • hammer185's avatar
    New Contributor
    6 years ago

    It's not just wrong information once indicating Las Vegas.  This has happened several times using the same exact smart phones that were already listed as trusted devices.  Reviewing the data it seems that the pattern is when a smart phone has been allocated an IP from this ARIN allocation ->  If they cannot manage to report accurate gelocation data with the IP addresses they manage perhaps they should have them revoked and given to a more responsible entity.  These things clearly could affect national and internations security on networks.  What is unbelievable to me is they know for a fact that my smart phones from gps data are in an exact spot.  I wonder if they lie about the location because they have lied about where they do and do not have coverage?


  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    hammer185  The good news is that RBA could flag a PC again when it changed locations.  Depending on where and when the login attempts were made from, it may even send a security email when the danger is high enough. 


    ** I am still trying to replicate the issue you experienced, though have not been able to see my Verizon mobile internet connection route traffic through Las Vegas yet.

  • hammer185's avatar
    New Contributor
    6 years ago

    I am the owner and manager for my company on these things.  I want accurate location data to be used in making these informed decisions.  I expect others in my position making these decisions would feel similarly.  These are not personal devices we use, they are work tools often used for remote access when needed in helping our customers and keeping our networks running.  I do not want to just "whitelist" a device or devices that could potentially be stolen and we might not notice it until it's been used to get into a system I do not want gotten into by the thiev(ves).

    If the location data were accurate there are several cool things we could probably do.  The location data has to be accurate though.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    hammer185  This is actually the first time something similar has been reported.


    Under most circumstances, if a user is having difficulty with the RBA authentication, Customer Care can help to 'whitelist' specific devices.  When I use the term 'device', I don't mean one location or computer -- but several qualifying factors that go into the risk factor.

  • hammer185's avatar
    New Contributor
    6 years ago

    So what is the problem besides something like arrogance, obstinate stupidity, or just a total lack of common sense?  Does LogMeIn lack the intelligence to explain where they got the location data from in any scenario that may come up and cite the source in case it's wrong.  Do you have a business policy problems or just stupid programmers or something like that.  You obviously have a serious problem if you know often the data in the emails you send out about locations is wrong and yet you refuse to acknowledge that it may be incorrect and cite the source of the data so it can be looked into when its wrong.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    hammer185  Thanks for the feedback and the case scenario.  While the risk based authentication methods are the industry standard at this point, you raise some valid points with regards to mobile users, and the behaviors of their telecom providers.  I.e. where they are routing traffic through, and how this automatically triggers a device warning on our side. 

  • hammer185's avatar
    New Contributor
    6 years ago

    Here is my exact quote from case #08768023.  Had anything been done to fix the problems I would not be bringing it up now but since false information was again sent today see below...


    "We need to see if there is anything we can do about fixing your very inaccurate location database. Is this something you need help with? Just this last Sunday I was sitting in church with one of my emloyees who are forced to authenticate as if they were not in a familiar location and as it turns out your system thought they were in Silver Springs, Nevada. Do you have anyone technically competent enough to look at a map and figure out how far Yreka, CA is from Silver Springs, NV and start to make your service a little better without you committing what will end up being perjury in court if you do not admit your geolocation service stinks. I hate to point out the obvious but when a judge and jury looks at this and is asked if Yreka, CA is Silver Springs, NV you are pretty much hosed. It might be time to pull your head out of the sand. "

  • hammer185's avatar
    New Contributor
    6 years ago

    It has to do with the repeated emails and support incidents I opened to let LogMeIn be made aware that their location data they were taking action on was wrong and therefore if they did not fix it there would be recourse taken.  I suggested very plainly they instead inform customers that the location data reported such and such location and they were using these sources for location data.  Rather than doing that they denied they had a problem and continued to make false claims regarding where people were logging in from.  I expect you already know that but maybe not.  Why are you claiming it might just have to do with something allegedly fixed which was not?  Do you have a vested interest in derailing and demeaning what I am bringing up are are you legitimately concerned and able to assist me.  At this point it's pretty likely insurance companies and lawyers may have to get involved.  I hope not.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    6 years ago

    Hi hammer185 ,

    I apologize for the frustrations.

    Could you give me a little more background as to what this is all about?  Was it pertaining to the RBA protection setup this year?