Forum Discussion

LMI2022's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago


I am trying to install LMI agent to users devices through Intune, I am not sure whether any specific package is available just for the agent install (so helpdesk can remote into users computer) or is there some form of switch and process that I have to use in order to do this.


Appreciate your response.

2 Replies

  • LMI2022's avatar
    New Contributor
    3 years ago

    We are trying to push this through Intune (LMI host only) so that we could manage the remote devices that are onboarded through Autopilot process. How would we set the userid and password for the host so helpdesk can login to troubleshoot? Is there a syntax that we could use while packaging the software for to be pushed through Intune? Anyone has asked this before or has done it before through Intune (just pushing the agent alone).


    Appreciate your response.




  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    3 years ago

    Hi LMI2022  

    We do offer an MSI package which is compatible with many Windows OS versions, though some limitations may exist with variations like Surface Hub etc.