Forum Discussion

jarbus's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

logmein browser window freezes & expands to entire screen hiding task bar, system tray, EVERYTHING!

On my Windows 11 Home PC W/ 16gig of ram, half of my LogMeIn sessions started through Firefox end up with the Firefox browser window expanding to take up the ENTIRE SCREEN, freezing and hiding EVERYTHING ELSE! 

Only way out is Alt-Tab to get to another window, and then it can be killed.


THIS IS INTOLERABLE!  Has anyone else seen this behavior???

4 Replies

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    jarbus can you tell me which version of the Pro software is running on the computer you are connecting to?


  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Thank you, I have moved this post to the Pro community. Our support team can be reached by clicking on any of the Contact Support links on our support site. 


    I have not been able to recreate this issue myself, so I am checking with the rest of Support to see if there have been any other reports. If you have another web browser installed like MS Edge, could you test if the same thing happens in that browser? If you have access to another computer it would be useful to know if the same issue happens when using it or not.




  • jarbus's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago
    You are correct.
    It is LogMeIn.

    While the Remote Control window remains active, the logmein dashboard in the browser
    window expands to the entire screen and is unresponsive.
    The only way out is alt-tab to another open window, or ctrl-alt-del.
    I did try to find where to submit a ticket, but it's hidden well!
    Julian Arbus
  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Hi jarbus,


    This community is for Service Desk product questions, it sounds like you may be using LMI Pro? Can you please confirm which service you are needing help with?