Forum Discussion

lewisuk's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

Other users can connect but I cannot

I am having the same issue with the SSL error on the log me in Client and have been for a few weeks. Other users logging into the same machine are fine.  

10 Replies

  • drobin84's avatar
    New Contributor
    4 years ago

    Support was able to assist me by providing me the OLD version 5151.

  • drobin84's avatar
    New Contributor
    4 years ago

    there is another thread on this. I Updated to 1.3.5282 and i am getting the same errors. Clients on 1.3.5151 are able to remote just fine. but anything newer gives that error message.


    At one point I connected and it actually prompted me to wait for host to accept connection. NONE of our clients have this turned on.

  • lewisuk's avatar
    New Contributor
    4 years ago

    I haven't yet. I'm still waiting for our IT team to investigate....

  • Noc1's avatar
    New Member
    4 years ago

    How did you resolved this issue? 

  • lewisuk's avatar
    New Contributor
    4 years ago

    It's a company laptop so I am limited on disabling firewalls and connecting to different networks unfortunately.

    I think I will have to contact my IT department and see if they can assist with the firewall side of things.

    It will be a commercial firewall.


    justincrabtree No it's all Windows 10 based.



  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    4 years ago

    lewisuk  It does sound like a localized problem.  Just to be sure, have you tested an alternate network and tried disabling the firewall temporarily before you connect? 


    Is the firewall a commercial or personal version? 

  • lewisuk's avatar
    New Contributor
    4 years ago

    AshC  Thanks for the response.

    Both Host and Client machines are windows 10.

    Using Log Me In Pro

    Host Log Me In version: (Mar 12 2021)


    My machine is using Log Me In Client version : 1.3.5214

    I'm using the LogMeIn Client to access the machine not a web browser, so I can't try an alternative. Unless I'm missing something here?


    Other user are able to access from their machines. I am working through a site firewall which I have made sure TCP port  443 is open.

    I've tried updating the licences as describe in this guide thanks to the support team:

    I tried following this guide on firewalls but cannot see where the components it mentions are installed:


    This the error:




  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    4 years ago

    lewisuk   Sorry, the threads you were referencing were pretty old, referencing some retired LMI versions. 


    Please state the affected operating systems involved, as well as the LogMeIn Host software version, and any images of the exact error you receive.


    Typically SSL errors indicate an issue with your local web browser.  Have you tested an alternate yet?