Forum Discussion

epassanita's avatar
New Contributor
4 years ago

phone app not working for password on remote computer

My remote computer is my office computer.   I had to change the password on one of my programs on my office computer.  When I'm at home on a desktop and log in to my work computer, the new password works.  When I log into my work computer on my logmein phone app, that new password is not working.   what's the problem?   i have an android phone and never had a problem before I had to change that one password on my work computer program.   all other passwords work.

3 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    4 years ago

    epassanita  If this is the only application affected, it could be some formatting that is being used while on your mobile.  Can you try typing the password into Notepad, then copying the text from there into the Medent application window?

  • epassanita's avatar
    New Contributor
    4 years ago
    It is called Medent. It is an EHR, electronic medical records used at my office. Medent had all users update their passwords a month or so ago. This new password works when I am logged in remotely from my home computer but my app no longer works when trying to log into Medent.
  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    4 years ago

    epassanita  Sorry, that does sound very strange.  Can you say which application on the Host PC is not accepting the password when you enter from your mobile?