Forum Discussion

adam morgan's avatar
adam morgan
New Member
9 years ago

how can i export or print a list of all devices from goto assist, it used to be possible in the old version!

why is there no reporting available on the devices listed within gotoassist any more? I used to be able to export the all devices list! how can I do this now in the new version?
  • AshC's avatar
    7 years ago

    AaronC1  LMI Customer Care does not have that type of visibility into accounts at a glance, however if you have an enormous list of devices they may be able to file an engineering request to pull a general report together. 


    If web development is an option, you can create the list yourself using APIs.  GoToAssist Developer Center has a Quick Start page and a Postman collection available:


    ** For G2A RS Unattended devices one should look for the Get Machines API (GET