Forum Discussion
As did MoisiePants, I reported this issue many years ago (May 2019), and did so at great length and with considerable detail to help you narrow the issue. See Case: 09485737
There were many email back and forth with promises that the "next" version (5) would fix the issue but as of today, using version, it is STILL no fixed. Below is what I wrote five years ago to you and it's still the case.
- The symptom seems to occur after a keyboard shortcut or input that includes the ALT/Option key. Most consistently, I can trigger it by performing one of the Mac screen shot shortcuts such as Command+Shift+4
- The input issue seems to disappear after a period of time with no input, around 10 minutes, or if you logout and log back in again
- Users on the remote machine to not experience this issue, only me controlling it
- I only use the full version with end users, so this is NOT related to the browser plugin
Hi wmloving,
This issue is one that is reported every once in a while and we have looked in to it repeatedly. We have found no obvious cause and have been unable to recreate it in any way to identify a bug. In some cases it has actually turned out that something had fallen on the keyboard of the remote computer. I attempted to recreate it myself last year and used a key logging application to capture what keys were being passed to the remote computer and through multiple sessions over multiple days I could not reliably recreate it and I did not see any extra key presses being passed to the remote.
The one thing I have found is that if it happens, instead of ending the session and starting a new one again pressing Ctrl a few time on the Mac (or Shift multiple times on Windows), can clear it.