Forum Discussion

drogge6's avatar
New Member
10 years ago

How do I remove the Knowledge Tab from the Customer Portal?

We'd like to remove the Knowledge Tab from our Customer Portal because we've purchased another solution for our KB.  We prefer not confuse our users, so we'd like to know how to remove that tab.  Please and thank you.  :)
  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager

    I'm not sure this is actually possible, but I am checking with the team.
  • Bcshay's avatar
    Active Contributor
    I doubt it. I think they are running all instances under a global one and chances are it would affect all customers. Good luck.
  • Luke Grimstrup's avatar
    Luke Grimstrup
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    This is possible, if there are no knowledge articles made viewable to the customer then the Knowledge tab will not appear in the customer portal.

    Make sure any Knowledge Articles you do have, are set to "Internal Only" and presto - the Knowledge tab in the portal will disappear :)