Forum Discussion

ian smith's avatar
ian smith
New Member
8 years ago

Create Meeting on Behalf of colleague

Is there a possibility to be designated as a delegate and create meetings on behalf of a colleague?
  • GlennD's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi pjhhvh, welcome to the community.


     The intent behind the co-organizer feature is to allow someone else in your organization to start and run the meeting if the original meeting organizer is unable to for some reason. What you are looking for is a scheduling assistant.

    If you have an assistant running your calendar and scheduling meetings for you, but you would prefer not to give them access to your GoToMeeting account you could create some meeting rooms that your assistant could use. These personalized meeting rooms can have specific names and are great for recurring meetings and can be password protected. One-off meetings could be held using your main personalized meeting room.