Forum Discussion

wilhelm-pbt's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Download of attendee-list of past meetings in GoToMeeting Business not possible



I recently upgraded my Account from GoToMeeting Pro to GoToMeeting Business.


Unfortunately, now it seems that it is not possible to Download the attendee list of past meetings in the GoToMeeting Admin Section to a Excel File any more. I can see the attendee list online, but cannot download a file. In GoToMeeting Pro however, it is still possible.


How is it possible that a more expensive pricing plan has lees features? Are you kidding me?


Would be very great if you could tell me where to find the excel file download in GoToMeeting Business.


Thank you very much, kind regards



  • Tobela2020's avatar
    New Contributor


    I would like to know how I can extract list of attendees from past meetings.

    Thanks .

    • Perrine's avatar
      New Contributor
      1. Go into Admin Center, and select Reports.
      2. Then select the person who hosted the meetings. (Make sure you deselect all other users.)
      3. Select reports for the host of the meetings you want to collect past attendee data.
      4. Enter the date range - I think they only have 1 year of past data.
      5. Select "Attendee Report" from the GoToMeeting reports list
      6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click create.


    • wilhelm-pbt's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hello AshC,


      thanks for the reply, but I already found the report for individual meetings. What I need is the download of the excel files.



      - Excel Download ist working in GoToMeeting Pro

      - Excel Download is not abvailable in GoToMeeting Business


      Where can I find that function in GoToMeeting Business?


      Kind regards




      • kflorian's avatar
        New Member

        In Pro it's availabe in the "Diagnostics" screen at the bottom left-side of the page. "Download Attendee List."