KateG Thank you for your help. I understand I don't need to pause the meeting, but I meant in terms of pausing my thought process or speaking time. Here is an example of a conversation we had this past week:
Me: Ok team, we are going to review the October budget. For this month we will....oh Phil just joined, let me give him control.
Me: As I was saying, in October we should try to aim for a conservative budget as we are close to year-end. Hang on, Alice joined, let me give her control.
Me: Anyway, getting back to the topic, I have the spreadsheet opened for which we put in September projections and actual expenses. Everyone can work on this spreadsheet in their respective rows to fill out October projections and we can discuss. Wait, John just joined, let me give him control.
This is only a 5-minute snippet. As you can see, without that remote control all function, it is impossible to be fully productive in meetings which is what GoToMeeting was all about.
GlennD Why can't we have the old GTM back for 1 more quarter until you fix the bugs and add the missing features?