Forum Discussion

czampy's avatar
Active Contributor
5 years ago

Roles and new users


we have a Go2meeting Business abo. We need to set a user that should be able to create/invite to meetings and record as a organizer, but should NOT have the possibility to have access to the other domain recordings.

is possible to limit the role to this?  and if yes, the admin  has full access to everything he do and record?



  • Perfect! . thank a lot for your help. :smileyhappy:




4 Replies

  • czampy's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago

    Perfect! . thank a lot for your help. :smileyhappy:




  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    czampy  Oh, the Admin can definitely run reports to see who is attending and how many meetings the Organizers on the account are hosting --- they just can't access individual recordings to review the actual broadcast.

  • czampy's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago

    AshCthanx a lot for your answer!

    So Limited user can schedule meetings on a separate part of the hub as a indipendent account, but admin cannot control and see and log what they do.  right?

    No way to understand how many vcalls he does or if he uses the account for a personal use?

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    Hi czampy ,

    GoToMeeting multi-organizer accounts can make a Co-Organizer available for scheduled meetings so that they can start, manage, and record by themselves.  They will only be able to record events that they are an Organizer on, though Administrators do not have direct access to these recordings themselves