Forum Discussion

r_parmar's avatar
New Member
4 years ago

How to prevent multiple users to join webinar with same link

Hi all,

I have an issue in webinar.

I am using the wordpress plugin for the gotowebinar.
I have paid webinars. 


the issue is, when someone purchase the webinar from my WordPress website then, he got the webinar joining link.


if I share that link with multiple users then they also join the webinar without paid.

I want to prevent this.


anybody can help me?

Please answer as soon as possible.


Thank you in advance.

  • You can set it so that the Join Link the person receives in the email message can be used only once.


    On the Dashboard, go to the webinar you wish to restrict.

    In the Registration section, select the Join Limit and change Default to Restricted Join.


    That will allow each join link to be used only once.

3 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    4 years ago

    Tho-Mas  If attendees need to switch and join from another device, they will have to wait 5 minutes before rejoining using their unique Join link.  

  • Tho-Mas's avatar
    Active Contributor
    4 years ago

    great thing, but
    what happens this person lost the connection and needs to re connect?
    How much time is needed that the running G2W recognise, that attendee dropped out,
    and let's him reconnect through that  same Join Limit link?

  • Chris Droessler's avatar
    Chris Droessler
    Respected Contributor
    4 years ago

    You can set it so that the Join Link the person receives in the email message can be used only once.


    On the Dashboard, go to the webinar you wish to restrict.

    In the Registration section, select the Join Limit and change Default to Restricted Join.


    That will allow each join link to be used only once.