Forum Discussion

GlennD's avatar
GoTo Manager
2 years ago

Welcome to the Grasshopper Community!

The Grasshopper Community is a place to connect with other Grasshopper customers and staff. We welcome your questions and feedback and encourage you to share your knowledge and experience with the community.


For the benefit of the whole community we ask that you follow these simple guidelines:


  • Be considerate - We want everyone to have a positive experience so please be polite and respectful when interacting with others in the community. We all experience frustrating situations, but please refrain from posting anything obscene, inflammatory, insulting or illegal. We welcome your opinions, but personal attacks and harassment will not be tolerated. 
  • Stay on-topic and be constructive - Try to limit your original posts and comments on existing posts to a specific topic. Do not hi-jack someone else’s post in order to voice your thoughts on something else. Be constructive in your comments and explain your point of view, this will help everyone understand and can lead to a faster resolution.
  • Search before posting - More often than not you will find an existing post in the community around your issue, adding your comment to it makes it easier for the community team to measure the issues impact and report on it and also helps others find the topic as well.
  • No spam or self promotion - No one likes spam in their email and we do not like it in our community. You can report spam or inappropriate posts directly to the community team by clicking on the 3 dot menu of the post or comment.
  • Mark Accepted Solutions - If someone answers your question or provides a solution to your problem please take a moment to mark it as an Accepted Solution. This helps other community members with the same issue find it faster and it acknowledges the efforts of the member that helped you.
  • Give Kudos - Kudos are another way of acknowledging someone in the community.


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