Hi KateG ,
I thought I would give an update as I'm seeing new behavior.
Previously I was unable to use any kind of control other than the limited functionality via the web browser. Clicking on remote control on the website would download a temporary client but would encounter the same offline error. This was retried just now and the downloaded termporary client now connects without any errors.
Thinking the issue was resolved, the installed app client on the problem system was retried, and resulted in the same offlilne 12031 error. Reinstalling the client had the same result. However, after reinstallation, launching the client from the website as indicated in the previous paragraph, no longer downloads a temporary client and asks if it's possible to use the LMIIgnition.exe in the installation folder on the problem computer (this was allowed), and it connects without issue.
To restate the problem as it currently stands. The installed client still shows an error if used on its own. However it is now possible to launch the installed client from the website. Ie, the standalone client requires a weblogin prior to functioning.