Forum Discussion

Moses007's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Coronavirus Preparations - Are you prepared?

A number of our peers in the financial sector have issued releases reassuring clients and customers that we have Business Continuity in place in the event of something like what we may all be in for. If/When public schools close for 2 weeks we are going to see an influx of telecommuting like we have most likely not seen before, in the technological age.


A couple things we are worried about, specifically, are our users home ISP's being bogged down with an ungodly number of kids streaming movies and games while parents are trying to work from home. I seriously doubt there will be major issues aside from minor bouts of throttling, but I doubt network loads have been tested at every segment to ensure they are capable of the volumes we would put on them with two weeks of lockdown and telecommuting. We are concerned about this but not very worried.


My most worrisome question is "has LogMeIn oversold their services?"


When 80% of your customer base is trying to use your service all at once, are you prepared to scale out virtual infrastructure if you see major performance issues? Have you all at LogMeIn pondered this scenario? I have been pleasantly served by your product for a decade and a half and would like to think you guys have all your bases covered, but can you speak to this with a release that we can take to senior management at our respective organizations? Reassurance can never be a negative thing.


Thanks in advance