Forum Discussion

tsdawber's avatar
New Member
6 years ago

Internet connection

when trying to log in to remote desktop, it says Logmein requires internet connection please check internet connection and try again.  I have reset wireless connection and an connected but I am still getting this message and not letting me log on. what can I try

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Hi tsdawber ,

    It sounds like you're on the right track.  Have you any network or local security apps installed there?

    Could you specify what kind of device and LAN you have in particular?

  • I've got the same problem since friday.
    I've tried it from 3 computers, the host app is up and running and states its connected on all computers, and all shows up as connectable from the website.
    But the client app wont log on from either pc, it only states it don't have internet connection, even though it clearly is online.
    No updates or changes on the networks or in the os for either of the computers.
    The client app on my phone works though... but that's not something to actually get work done through.